This is a windowed view thats bound by styling to fit in a certain size.
new MAF.system.SidebarView()
createView() virtualinherited
View creation method that must be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
destroyView() virtualinherited
View destruction method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
focusView() virtualinherited
View focus method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
freeze() → {Class} inherited
Freezes this component. Screen renders no longer trigger until thawed.
This component.
getAbsolutePosition() → {Object} inherited
Give back the position relative to its first positioned ancestor element
{hOffset:Number, vOffset: Number}
getView() → {Class} inherited
Returns the view this class is appended on.
hide() → {Class} inherited
Hides this component.
This component.
hideView() virtualinherited
View hide method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
initialize() inherited
Initialize the class
initView() virtualinherited
View initialization method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
registerMessageCenterListenerCallback() inherited
Register a function for callback on MAF.messages.
var myView = new MAF.Class({ initView: function() { this.registerMessageCenterListenerCallback(this.dataChanged);'news', 'The news is in.');'games', 'What games?'); }, dataChanged: function (event) { if (event.payload.value && !this.frozen) { switch (event.payload.key) { case 'news': //The view is visible and news is stored in MAF.messages break; } } else { switch (event.payload.key) { case 'news': //news is stored in MAF.messages and the view is not visible break; } } if (event.payload.key === 'games') { //Once this view has loaded we always do something when games is stored on MAF.messages. //Also when a different view is active. } } });
registerMessageCenterListenerControl() inherited
Register a component for callback on MAF.messages.
var myView = new MAF.Class({ createView: function () { this.controls.header = new MAF.control.Header({ label: 'Header', events: { onBroadcast: function () { this.setText('Button randomized: ' + MAF.messages.fetch('button')); } } }).appendTo(this); this.controls.button = new MAF.control.TextButton({ label: 'Random number stored', styles: { vOffset: this.controls.header.outerHeight }, events: { onSelect: function () {'button', Number.random(1, 1000)); } } }).appendTo(this); }, updateView: function() { this.registerMessageCenterListenerControl(this.controls.header); } });
selectView() virtualinherited
View has gained focus method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
show() → {Class} inherited
Shows this component.
This component.
thaw() → {Class} inherited
Thawes this component. Screen renders can trigger again.
This component.
unselectView() virtualinherited
View has lost focus method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
updateView() virtualinherited
View update method that can be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
WindowedView() inherited
Reset the focus on this view by navigating to the first component found from the top.
Fired when a animation on this component has ended.
Fired when component has appended to a parent. Update visual appearances by applying a Theme style and rendering the skin.