profile Singleton
User profile
ageRating :Number staticreadonly
Indicates what ageRating the profile has.
country :String staticreadonly
Contains the full length country name in english. For example 'Netherlands'
countryCode :String staticreadonly
Contains a lowercase iso code of the country. For example (nl, en, uk, fr, us)
household :String staticreadonly
Unique household operator id.
id :String staticreadonly
Unique profile id.
ip :String staticreadonly
IP address of the device the framework is running on.
language :String staticreadonly
Contains the full length language name. For example 'English'.
languageCode :String staticreadonly
Contains the ISO 639-1 language code. For example 'en'.
latlon :Array staticreadonly
Contains the latitude and longitude coordinates of the device location.
locale :String staticreadonly
Contains the combination of language and country iso codes. For example 'en-NL'
locked :Boolean staticreadonly
Indicates if the profile is locked after for example to many incorrect pin entries.
mac :String staticreadonly
Contains the mac address of the device.
name :String staticreadonly
Contains the name of the profile.
operator :String staticreadonly
Contains the operator name.
packages :Array staticreadonly
{String} city :String staticreadonly
Contains the full length city name where the application is running.
- Deprecated Use profile.countryCode instead. This will no longer be available in the next major version.
- Deprecated Use profile.languageCode instead. This will no longer be available in the next major version.
hasPin(type) → {Boolean}
Ask the system if a certain section is password protected.
Name Type Description type String Indicates what section to check if it has a password. Possible options: master, adult, youth, purchase and passport
True if a password is set.